When we first heard Apple was getting into the TV making business, it was an interesting idea. When we heard its first show was all about apps, it was less so. Now, we have the name: Planet of the Apps.
Apple says that its looking for app developers who’ve made software for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS or at least have an app in beta by October 21. We’ve known previously that the show was going to be non-scripted, but now there’s an actual end-goal in mind:
Those selected will have the chance to receive hands-on guidance from some of the most influential experts in the tech community, featured placement on the App Store, and funding from top-tier VCs.
So instead or roses, you get VC bro-fives. Oh, and if you can’t take off work for Apple’s summer filming schedule, Apple says don’t bother applying. But if you’re an aspiring app star living in the US and want to make it in the TV biz — because those two things have always gone hand-in-hand — now is your chance!
Although before you go rushing to apply, let me make one small change so this application is 100 per cent accurate:
Filming starts this spring.