Remember when we all scoffed at the idea of a movie about a Spider-Man villain without Spider-Man, then Venom happened—and suddenly Sony’s Spider-Man-adjacent film universe didn’t seem so foolish?
Another movie in that realm, the Jared Leto-starring Morbius, has inched closer to the screen with the announcement that Matt Smith is joining the cast.
Variety broke the news that Smith—of Doctor Who and The Crown fame, and soon to be seen in Star Wars: Episode IX — is in “final talks” to join Morbius, which will be directed by Daniel Espinosa (Safe House, Life) and star Leto as the scientist-turned-accidental-bloodsucker, a villain who’s battled Spider-Man over the years but most notably in a mid-1990s comic series titled Morbius, the Living Vampire.
Smith’s role was not revealed, nor was any other information, like when the movie might start filming for instance—though given this news, it seems like this Leto-centric comic-book film might be moving along at a faster clip than his oft-rumoured standalone Joker project.