Supreme Leader Snoke wasn’t the only being Kylo Ren reported into. He was also beholden to Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. WTF is “Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems?”
Well, it’s the company that made Kylo’s prototype TIE Silencer. And, in a new book called Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Owners’ Workshop Manual, it’s revealed that he “gave detailed post-flight reports” to the company so it could improve on the prototype ship and, eventually, build more of them for other pilots in the First Order.
Who knows if he still does that now that he’s the Supreme Leader of the First Order—but still, well done Kylo, helping the greater good and not just being angry all the time.
Cool nuggets like that are all over Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Owners’ Workshop Manual, written by Chris Reiff, Chris Trevas, and Ryder Windham. It provides fans with detailed, fascinating insight everything in between from all eras of Star Wars.
The book is out May 28 from Insight Editions and you can pre-order and find out more at this link. However, we’ve also got some exclusive pages for you to peruse that explain where Kylo’s TIE Silencer came from, how big it is, and so much more. Check these out.
I mean, that’s pretty cool, right? The book has that level of detail for all of the TIE variants that exist in Star Wars. Plus, it digs even deeper. Check out these pages on things you may have never even thought about in relation to TIE Fighters.
At some point, you’ve definitely considered that TIE pilots have very specific dogfighting techniques. And certainly, you’ve heard or read about the solar wings. But had you ever really dug deep into either? (Our own James Whitbrook might have…) That’s the kind of cool, specific, nerdy Star Wars stuff the book is filled with.
Again, Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Owners’ Workshop Manual, is available May 28 from Insight Editions. Click here for more.