If you woke up from a work-induced stress dream and logged into Slack only to find it a hellhole of bugs — it isn’t just you. Users all over the world have been reporting outages, repeating messages and errors with the popular workplace communication tool.
According to Slack’s System Status page, what we’re all experiencing is “degraded service affecting multiple features”. That includes notifications, calls, connections, search, messaging, integrated apps, APIs, link previews, posting and workplace/organisation administration. Ouch. As of 12:03AM AEST, Slack said in an update that it was an “all-hands on deck” situation.
[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2019/05/slack-is-cracking-down-on-fun/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/zxnfpycp17pvqbaptfdp.png” title=”Slack Is Cracking Down On Fun” excerpt=”A public Slack channel that offered up cash prizes of $1,418 to guess a random word — yes, you read that right — has been shut down by the company, which said the game violated its rules.”]
The errors don’t seem limited to platform either. A colleague messaged me this morning to ask if I could see anything he was sending as he was receiving errors in Chrome. I tried to respond with a gif from the /giphy integration from the mobile app, only to get a message saying that feature was borked. Meanwhile, on the desktop app, I’ve been a guilty offender of sending duplicate messages because Slack keeps telling me it hasn’t sent them.
A look at Down Detector indicates outage reports are concentrated in the eastern United States, Europe and Japan. Australia looks to be in the clear for now. However, a peep into Slack’s official Twitter shows the complaints keep rolling in — though at least Slack seems to be maintaining a sense of humour about its services imploding.
You wouldn’t be the first one today, Mandie.
You wouldn’t be the first one today, Mandie.In all seriousness, the kindness of our users when we’re working to fix a problem is humbling. We couldn’t appreciate it more. 🙌
— Slack (@SlackHQ) June 28, 2019
While it would be nice if we could truly disconnect from the constant call of work, the fact is there are still more ancient methods of communicating with your coworkers. Such as email. Remember email? Fortunately it’s the weekend, so feel free to ignore your inbox until Monday.