In 2019 it feels like backlash against the Melbourne Cup is stronger than ever.
Animal cruelty glorification of gambling and violence are tend to be the reasons for these protests. People on the other side of the fence often cite tradition and multi-million revenue in defence of the Cup – as opposed to getting blasted and knocking off work early (or getting a whole day off in Victoria).
But before you go calling people a bunch of Un-Australian hippies for using the hashtag #NupToTheCup, I respectively ask you to watch this video first.
The Juice Media has created another one of its parody government ads to highlight the cruelty and detrimental societal aspects of the Cup.
It’s a tough watch at times. There are some extremely confronting imagery and statistics – including the death of at least 122 race horses in Australia this year alone. Not to mention the huge proportion of horses sent to an abattoir for not being fast enough.
It also reminds us that Victoria’s 2019 stated budget allowed for $72 million to be devoted to the expansion of the Victorian racing industry.
To be fair, the video also discloses that Victoria raises $427 million in state revenue from the Cup. It’s a pity that in and that in 2016-2017 alone Victorians reportedly suffered a $4.8 billion gambling loss.
If you can’t bring yourself to watch this, and still support Melbourne Cup, perhaps some self assessment regarding why is in order.