The longest word in English has 189,819 letters and would take you about two hours to mumble through. Seriously. It’s the chemical name of Titin (or connectin), a giant protein “that functions as a molecular spring which is responsible for the passive elasticity of muscle.” If it’s your thing, you can listen to a guy pronounce the whole damn word.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious this is not. In fact, you would need to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious over 5000 times to come close to this word to come close to matching its letter count (go ahead, I’ll wait). If you want to see the word spelled out, it looks a lot like this:
That’s just the first part of the word too. The whole thing can be found in a 65kb textbit file here. You’re going to be scrolling for a very long time. For reference, the internet says that Pride and Prejudice has about 120,000 words and the New Testament has about 180,000 words. And if you’re bold, you can watch a two-hour video on YouTube where a guy actually attempts to pronounce the whole damn thing. It’s riveting.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”Why ‘ji32k7au4a83’ Is A Remarkably Common Password” excerpt=”For too many people, moving the digits around in some variation of Patriots69Lover is their idea of a strong password. So you might expect something complicated like” “ji32k7au4a83″ would be a great password. But according to the data breach repository Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), it shows up more often than one might expect.”]
This article has been updated since its original publication.