Of course, seven years later, we now know that didn’t quite go according to plan. While the inclusion of Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson (and a few other cameos) connected the show to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, eventually the two mediums simply couldn’t find harmony. The movies went one way, the show went another, and both were better off for it.
[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2020/07/avengers-endgame-did-agents-of-shields-final-season-a-huge-favour/” thumb=”https://gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/21/nnrvnaxhrdduzwgutgot-300×157.jpg” title=”Avengers: Endgame Did Agents of SHIELD’s Final Season a Huge Favour” excerpt=”Agents of SHIELD is going out with a time-travelling bang. Although the Marvel Cinematic Universe pretty much abandoned its first foray in television a while ago, the show’s seventh and final season has been a hell of a lot of fun as Agent Coulson and the team traipse through time,…”]
Now it’s August 2020 and on Wednesday night, Agents of SHIELD will air its two-hour series finale. To celebrate, the show’s cast and crew waxed poetic about their experiences in the below video. Check it out.
As the relationship between Marvel and television starts to reinvent itself in all sorts of ways, it’ll always be nice to remember that, for seven years, this cast and crew went all out, creating a show that was rarely the highest-rated, but always well-done and passionate.