Although an apparent expert in hand-to-hand combat, most of us would rather see Din Djarin whip out his Amban phase-pulse blaster and completely disintegrate anyone impeding his mission (or latest side quest). Hasbro’s first detailed replica of the blaster won’t vaporise anyone, but it will annoy them, since it’s also a fully-functional Nerf toy.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first: while you can pre-order the Mando’s Amban phase-pulse blaster today later today, it’s going to set you back around $160 (which is on the pricey side for a single-shot Nerf blaster) and you won’t be able to claim your quarry until spring of next year at the earliest. We’ll presumably be well into The Mandalorian season three at that point (hopefully) and who knows what kind of cool bounty hunter weaponry we’ll be drooling over in a year’s time. Maybe Din will be wielding the Darksaber by then?
In recent years Hasbro’s been giving the Nerf treatment to a handful of pop culture replicas, including the iconic MA40 Assault Rifle from the game Halo. The new Amban phase-pulse blaster looks to be in a similar vein: a fairly accurate recreation just waiting for a fan to give it a worn paint job. At over 1.27 metres long it’s one of the — if not the — longest Nerf blasters ever released, and includes features like a single dart breech load, an illuminated targeting scope, and sound effects borrowed from the Disney+ series, which means you’ll need to supply your own pair of AAA batteries, although priming and firing the blaster is all done manually.
The replica also comes with ten of these snazzy all-silver foam darts reminiscent of Din’s Whistling Birds ammunition — minus the whistling sound effects and automatic targeting. Taking out a group of mercenaries with Nerf’s take on the Amban phase-pulse blaster could be a challenge, unless you’ve got Grogu on your side.