Louis Leterrier Hopes The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Will Return, Eventually

Louis Leterrier Hopes The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Will Return, Eventually

Netflix is notorious for making shows fans absolutely love and then taking them away without warning. The list of examples is endless, but here at Gizmodo, one show undoubtedly sits above all the rest: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. A 10-part prequel to the legendary 1982 Jim Henson/Frank Oz film, Age of Resistance opened up the world of Thra in unimaginably beautiful ways. It was one of the best fantasy shows in years, but eventually, Netflix pulled the plug.

That was almost three years ago. This year, the director of all 10 episodes of that series, Louis Leterrier, has another movie coming out. Some small thing called Fast X. And last week, while talking to him about that, we had to ask about the show we adored almost beyond words.

We asked if, hypothetically, the show had been a runaway success, what was the plan? How many more seasons could there have been? What would have happened in the story? How close would it have gotten to the movie? And that’s when Leterrier gave us a very surprising answer.

“I won’t tell you,” the director told Gizmodo. “Because I still have hope that it can come back.” Um, what? He continued.

“I mean, who would have thought that 37 years later that [we would’ve been able to bring Dark Crystal back]? So, I have high hopes. You know, it might not be me. It might be my grandson or, you know, Jim Henson’s great-grandson, but somebody will direct the rest of this show because we need to tell that story. And beyond. I mean, Thra is a place we want to go to.”

It’s a very optimistic thought from a very optimistic guy. And, frankly, if there’s even a tiny chance audiences get to return to Thra at some point in the future, we’ll patiently wait for it. But, let’s be honest, it would have been pretty cool if he just told us what was coming next.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is currently on Netflix. Leterrier’s next movie, Fast X, is in theatres May 18. We’ll have much more on that next week.