
  • Batgirl Was Killed By a Move Away From Streaming And Book Balancing

    Batgirl Was Killed By a Move Away From Streaming And Book Balancing

    Warner Bros. has finally made a statement about the permanent cancellation of two multi-million dollar projects, Batgirl and Scoob! Holiday Haunt. Essentially, according to Deadline, the decision comes from a desire to re-energize the DC Extended Universe, and some of the character reveals and plot points in Batgirl didn’t line up with the larger theatrical strategy…

  • Gotham Knights’ Batfamily Matters Much More Than Its Gear Does

    Gotham Knights’ Batfamily Matters Much More Than Its Gear Does

    Earlier in the week, game developer Warner Bros. Montreal revealed a new look at their upcoming superhero action-RPG, Gotham Knights. Where the game’s debut back in 2020 featured footage focusing on Tim Drake’s Robin and Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl, this 13-minute presentation was all about the game’s other two leads, acrobatic Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing; and…