
  • Sweet-Smelling Locust Pheromone Could Be Key to Stopping Their Swarms

    Sweet-Smelling Locust Pheromone Could Be Key to Stopping Their Swarms

    Scientists have identified the pheromone responsible for turning individual locusts into the swarming variety. They also found a way to “turn off” locusts’ ability to respond to this pheromone, in a breakthrough that could lead to new control strategies for preventing the spread of these voracious and extremely destructive insects.

  • How Sperm ‘Swim’ May Be Nothing But an Optical Illusion

    How Sperm ‘Swim’ May Be Nothing But an Optical Illusion

    An international group of scientists say their latest research will upturn one of the earliest scientific discoveries ever made about human sperm. In a new paper out Friday, they seem to show that sperm cells don’t propel themselves by simply flicking their tails back and forth, as is commonly believed. Rather, sperm perform a complex…

  • What’s the Best Human Brain Alternative for Hungry Zombies?

    What’s the Best Human Brain Alternative for Hungry Zombies?

    Let’s say you’re a zombie. You’re lumbering around, doing your zombie-mumble, and just ten feet ahead you see a living human being. Your first impulse, of course, is to head over there and eat their brain. And you’re about to do just that, when suddenly you feel a pang of something like shame. You remember,…