electric bikes

  • This Chainless Electric Bike Makes You The Backup Generator

    This Chainless Electric Bike Makes You The Backup Generator

    Your average e-bike is just a regular bicycle fitted with an electric motor. When the battery dies, you can just revert to pedalling. The new Footloose from Mando, however, takes a different approach. There’s still a set of pedals, but they’re used to power an alternator, which generates electricity and keeps the motor running.

  • Electric Bikes Are Now Wireless, Can Charge Gadgets Via USB

    I loved riding about town when testing a GoCycle electric bike but must admit the cable that snaked around the frame sometimes got in the way of the pedals if I didn’t do it up right. The Shadow Ebike is the first electric bike that houses its Daymak Drive controller in the front wheel, alongside…