
  • Microsoft Wants Your Hands To Join You In VR Worlds

    Microsoft Wants Your Hands To Join You In VR Worlds

    Your job has the potential to be a lot cooler once everyone has a pair of VR goggles strapped to their face — unless Microsoft has something to say about it. The company is working towards bringing hand motions and gestures into virtual worlds, with the goal of having you press buttons and pull levers…

  • Every Gestural Interface Should Be This Responsive And Snappy

    Every Gestural Interface Should Be This Responsive And Snappy

    Working alongside a company called zSpace, makers of interactive holographic displays, researchers at the Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory in Japan have built a high-speed gesture recognition system that instantly responds to hand and finger movements. Which in turn enhances the immersiveness of these interactive displays.

  • Finally A Chance To Bend The Weather To Your Will

    It always rains the day you’re moving or gets really icy when you have a lot of driving ahead of you. Murphy’s Law definitely applies. If you could control the weather things would be much easier, and Design I/O wants you to feel like you can. Their installation allows participants to make it rain, produce…