goddard space flight center

  • Could We Live Under the Sea?

    Could We Live Under the Sea?

    You could argue that every second spent discussing humans colonising the solar system is a second not spent salvaging what we have here on Earth and is thereby a concession to nihilism, laziness, and the worst, most craven elements of our public life. But what about living the sea? Same deal, I suppose, but still, it’s fun…

  • Goodbye, Asteroid Bennu, It’s Been Real

    Goodbye, Asteroid Bennu, It’s Been Real

    Yesterday, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft passed by the asteroid Bennu for the last time, ending its two-and-a-half-year relationship with the space rock. But OSIRIS-REx is still lingering in the asteroid’s vicinity, as if hesitant to embark on its roughly 320-million-kilometre return to Earth. That trip will begin in early May.