
  • Scooby-Doo Takes Japan in New Anime-Inspired Series

    Scooby-Doo Takes Japan in New Anime-Inspired Series

    Following the recent announcement of a live-action series at Netflix, Variety reports a new Scooby-Doo animated series (it’s fourteenth to date) is also now in development at Cartoon Network. Described as “Scooby does anime,” Go-Go Mystery Machine will see Shaggy and Scooby-Doo “unwittingly unleash hundreds of mischievous mythical monsters” while on “the ultimate foodie adventure”…

  • 20 Best Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror TV Shows of 2023

    20 Best Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror TV Shows of 2023

    As 2023 draws to a close, the Gizmodo’s io9 staff has had to admit something about ourselves: we watch a lot of TV. From a starting list that was admittedly alarmingly long, we managed to winnow down our 20 favorites—including animation, sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, and titles both brand-new, some seasons in, and (in one…