
  • How Do You Hear Without ‘Ears’?

    How Do You Hear Without ‘Ears’?

    History’s littered with lost ears: Van Gogh’s, Evander Holyfield’s, that ear Kyle MacLachlan finds in a field in Blue Velvet, and so on. Or maybe ears is the wrong word. The weird little flesh-whorls that jut out from the sides of most of our heads are just small components of a much larger, delicately interconnected…

  • A Man Going Deaf Can ‘Hear’ Wi-Fi Signals

    A Man Going Deaf Can ‘Hear’ Wi-Fi Signals

    Losing your hearing can be a frighteningly isolating experience. But instead of trying to replace the audible landscape he began losing at age 20, science writer Frank Swain decided to find a way to listen in on something humans can’t hear: the hum of Wi-Fi all around us.