
  • Carry Less Crap On Your Roof

    Carry Less Crap On Your Roof

    Now that overlanding is firmly established as a popular car-look for 2019, I sure see a lot of trucks and SUVs lugging roof racks full of militaristic plastic boxes around the city. If that sounds like you, consider taking it easy on the top-heaviness.

  • The Best Honda Odyssey Was A ’70s Off Road Go-Kart

    The Best Honda Odyssey Was A ’70s Off Road Go-Kart

    Many years before Honda built their now legendary Accord-based four-slamming-door high-roof miniature van, the Odyssey name was used by Honda’s Powersports division for a minimalist single-seat off-road go-kart. It weighed just under 181kg, and used a 250cc two-stroke ripper of an engine for personal off-road mobility.