
  • X-Men ’97 May Set Up a War With the Avengers

    X-Men ’97 May Set Up a War With the Avengers

    Like the original series, X-Men ‘97 has been adapting a variety of comic book storylines from the 90s. Thus far, the likes of Inferno, The Trial of Magneto, and Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly’s New X-Men run have been brought to life, with varying levels of time and success. The show has a lot of…

  • X-Men ’97 Knows Exactly Where Tolerance Will Get You

    X-Men ’97 Knows Exactly Where Tolerance Will Get You

    The concept of tolerance has weighed heavily upon Disney+ seriesX-Men ‘97. And now as the world and what is left of mutantkind looks upon the ruins of Genosha, the series is ready to grit its teeth and show some fangs, giving us righteously bitter examination of just where the morals of that tolerance—the morals cast…