stephen hawking

  • A Brief History Of Scientists Hunting For Time Travellers

    A Brief History Of Scientists Hunting For Time Travellers

    Time travel is possible — or at least a lot of serious physicists say so. It’s probably not possible to pull it off in a souped-up Delorean, but there are wormholes, Tipler cylinders, and other Einstein-inspired theories for how it could work. Which raises the question: Why haven’t we met any visitors from another time?

  • How To Donate Your Voice To Someone Who Can’t Speak

    How To Donate Your Voice To Someone Who Can’t Speak

    Here’s a good deed you can do without parting with a single thing. Synthetic voices for people who have lost the ability to speak only come in generic types — think of Stephen Hawking’s voice — but one fascinating project wants to build custom voices for each person. To do that they need your help:…