supermassive black hole

  • Astrophysicists Found 1,000 Magnetic Milky Way ‘Strands’

    Astrophysicists Found 1,000 Magnetic Milky Way ‘Strands’

    A new mosaic image taken by the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa has revealed nearly 1,000 multi-light-year-long electron strands at the centre of the Milky Way. The strands are huge streaks of cosmic ray particles; though they were discovered nearly 40 years ago, researchers never knew there were so many.

  • Black Holes Could Be Expanding Along With the Universe

    Black Holes Could Be Expanding Along With the Universe

    In 2015, two black holes were caught merging when the ripples in spacetime they created were detected on Earth. Since then, gravitational wave detectors have found many more of these mergers, broadening our understanding of the most epic collisions known to science. Now, a team of astrophysicists examining data from these detections are proposing that…

  • Physicists Think They have Spotted a Very Rare Black Hole

    Physicists Think They have Spotted a Very Rare Black Hole

    On August 30, 1995, 10-billion-year-old light from the early universe finally hit the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory, which was circling in Earth orbit. An Australian research team is now reporting that the gamma-ray burst contained evidence of an exceedingly rare intermediate-mass black hole, the sort that would help fill a hole in our understanding of these…