Gatorade Created a Wearable Patch That Tells You How Much Gatorade to Drink
If you thought wearable devices were limited to smartwatches and AR glasses, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In a few years we could be all covered from head to toe in smart stickers, starting with a new patch from Gatorade that can let you know if you’re staying properly hydrated.
This Humanoid Robot Sweats With Its Skeleton
Progress is a fight between what works the best and what’s feasible to manufacture cheaply at scale. Usually the latter wins. It’s why we used VHS instead of Betamax. It’s why most grocery store produce is utterly tasteless. And it’s why we’ve built a humanoid robot that sweats.
This Temporary Tattoo Is Actually A Battery That’s Powered By Your Sweat
What if the sweat produced by your body could power your gadgets? And what if the connection between the two could be made by a temporary tattoo, the more you sweat, the more power the tattoo generates? That’s exactly what researchers at UC San Diego have developed — and one day, it could power your…
Sweat-Draining Fabric Will Banish Armpit Stains For Good
Fabrics geared towards athletes are designed to wick sweat away from the body so they don’t feel drenched. But the fabric is still wet and weighed down with perspiration. To really feel dry, researchers at UC Davis have developed a fabric with channels that literally drain sweat away. Gross and awesome.