
  • These Transformers Sequels Are… Man, They’re a Lot

    These Transformers Sequels Are… Man, They’re a Lot

    The live-action Transformers movies aren’t really what you’d “beloved.” Despite making a lot of money, most of them aren’t especially well-regarded critically, and fans of the original property don’t exactly take to them well. They occupy a weird space in Hollywood wherein those initial five movies actively didn’t care in any fashion about being disliked.…

  • Your Fave Autobots Look Different in Transformers One

    Your Fave Autobots Look Different in Transformers One

    Transformers is known for being “more than meets the eye.” But when it comes to the characters from Transformers One, it’s more than meets the eyes, nose, and mouth. The first trailer for the upcoming animated origin story landed this week and it revealed new looks for the iconic characters, as well as a decidedly…