truck yeah
Watching A Truck Hauling Wind Turbine Blades Kinda Hurts Your Brain
The vast majority of things that get transported via truck are things that are, generally, smaller than the trucks that are transporting them. Sometimes, though, they’re bigger, much bigger, and that always makes for exciting visuals. And then there are those rare times where they’re so wildly oversized that nothing makes visual sense anymore. Like…
This Chinese Truck And SUV Combo Will Make Your Brain Hurt
Our brains are wired to process what our eyes see in far more ways than we usually realise. We’ve evolved to expect things to look certain ways, and when things deviate too much from what’s expected in some key criteria, it leaves us feeling unsettled, like the famous ‘double face’ illusion. I think something similar…
Here’s How To Tell The Year Of A Mail Truck Instantly
As you may be aware, we’re currently in the waning days of the most-common vehicle you’re likely to see that’s not from a company known for building cars: the Common North American Mail Truck, also known as the Grumman Long Life Vehicle (LLV). We’ve already seen the venerable LLV begin to be replaced by (slightly…
This Chinese Pickup Truck Looks Like An Evil Lux Overlander
The Great Wall Black Bullet made an appearance at the Beijing Auto Show this week. It looks like a Hot Wheels execution of an overland vehicle with a healthy dash of evil Toyota Tundra. I’m into it!