
  • The New iOS 16 Features that Android Had First

    The New iOS 16 Features that Android Had First

    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But when it comes to Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android offering the same features, it’s a tale of two platforms attempting to keep up with one another. While Apple and Google may have similar abilities within their respective operating systems, there’s always a bit of a…

  • The Fastest Way to Restore a Bricked Apple Watch

    The Fastest Way to Restore a Bricked Apple Watch

    As many Apple Watch users have discovered, there is no way to connect a bricked watch to a Mac to manually restore the software like you can with an iPhone or an iPad. Your only hope was to take it to the nearest Apple Store (or send it in to Apple to be reset) if…

  • Should You Upgrade to the Apple Watch Series 7?

    Should You Upgrade to the Apple Watch Series 7?

    When Apple announced the Series 7 last month, it left out exactly when you’d be able to buy it. That made sense, given murmurs of production delays related to the Series 7’s new design. But now we know: The Apple Watch Series 7 will be available for preorder starting at 11pm AEDT on Oct. 8,…