If you’re keen for one of a new iPhone Xs or Xs Max — pre-orders will be available from 5:01pm AEST today. Vodafone was a little cheeky and released its plans early, and now Telstra has come to the party. This is what you can expect.
There are two plans in particular that Telstra is highlighting — an iPhone XS 64GB plan for $119 per month which comes with 60GB + bonus 30GB of data a month for a total of 90GB. The minimum cost for this plan will be $2,856.
The other is a iPhone Xs Max 64GB plan for $134 per month. It comes with the same 60GB + bonus 30GB of data a month for a total of 90GB. The minimum cost for this plan will be $2,856. $3216.
Telstra will also be offering bonus data, as well as a $10 recurring monthly credit on the 24-month $129 Mobile Plan and the 24-month $129 Mobile Lease Plans.
And now onto the full list of Telstra plans.
Xs 64GB
Xs 256GB
Xs 512GB
And for those wanting the iPhone Xs Max:
Xs Max 64GB
Xs Max 256GB
Xs Max 512GB
You can pre-order your new iPhone Xs or Xs Max from Telstra right here.
[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2018/09/optus-iphone-xs-and-xs-max-plans-and-pricing/” thumb=”https://gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/optus-xs-plan-410×231.jpg” title=”Optus’ iPhone Xs And Xs Max Plans And Pricing” excerpt=”All of the major telcos kicked off their iPhone Xs and Xs Max pre-orders at 5.01pm AEST today. While Vodafone jumped the gun a few hours ago, Optus stuck to its deadline. Here’s what its plans look like.”]
[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2018/09/vodafones-iphone-xs-xs-max-plans-and-pricing/” thumb=”https://gizmodo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/vodafone-iphone-xs-plans-410×231.jpg” title=”Vodafone’s iPhone Xs And Xs Max Plans And Pricing” excerpt=”Pre-orders for the new iPhone Xs and Xs Max kick off at 5.01pm AEST today but the telco plans are already beginning to drop, with Vodafone being the first out this year. This is what they’ve got.”]