The saga of Warner Bros.’ upcoming Flash movie has been a long one, and in recent weeks, much of it has revolved around its lead actor, Ezra Miller. Earlier in the month, it was reported that despite Miller’s string of troubles throughout the last couple of years — which include allegedly choking a fan and being arrested twice in Hawaii — that WB planned to continue The Flash movie with Miller in the role, even while pausing other projects the actor was purported to be involved in. But as more press has come out about the 29-year-old nonbinary actor, it appears that WB’s plans for the actor once Flash hits have taken a change.
Throughout the month of June, Miller has been hit with allegations of harassing a nonbinary child to the point of receiving a temporary harassment order. Separately, Miller was also accused of brainwashing and grooming an 18-year-old from North Dakota named Tokata Iron Eyes, and in response wiped their social media presence, but not before allegedly releasing a video mocking the authorities looking to serve Miller the protective order filed by Iron Eyes’ parents. During all of this, Warner Bros. has remained silent, with Deadline stating that the studio’s initial plan was to wait things out and hope that more allegations or headline-grabbing news wouldn’t surface. But now, their sources are saying that the plan has changed: regardless of more allegations, Miller won’t be coming back as the Flash after The Flash.
Miller first joined the DC machine back in 2016 with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and later became attached to WB’s Fantastic Beasts franchise as one of its key characters. They’ve shown up throughout the tenure of both Beasts and other DCEU franchise films, and even had a brief Arrowverse cameo. At this time, it doesn’t seem likely that WB will drop Miller entirely and remake The Flash anew; for one thing, it’s been in development for a long time, and has already cost plenty of money trying to see the light of day. It doesn’t sound like WB has any plans for who specifically will take up the gold wings and red suit after The Flash releases: right now, they just want to try and release the thing on June 23, 2023, and go from there.
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