All Things Internet: The Big Players & The Issues

The world has grown increasingly connected over the past few decades and a huge chunk of our lives are online. We cover the companies you care about: YouTube, Google, Amazon, and the issues you care about: NBN, IoT, social media, privacy and security.

  • 5 Quick Ways To Improve Your YouTube Experience

    5 Quick Ways To Improve Your YouTube Experience

    If you spend a significant amount of time on YouTube, you’ll want to make the most of that time—whether it’s the choice of videos you get recommended or the quality of those videos when they start playing. There are lots of different ways you can tweak YouTube, both in the apps and on the web,…

  • Weirdest Chatbots on OpenAI’s GPT Store, Ranked

    Weirdest Chatbots on OpenAI’s GPT Store, Ranked

    After months of waiting, OpenAI finally launched its GPT Store, where paying subscribers can now access a library of custom AI chatbots. The store promotes some practical, helpful AI tools up front, but there are some deeply strange GPTs lurking in corners of the store. Gizmodo ventured into those dark, musty corners and compiled a…