cheryl eddy

  • 9 Movies That Warn You to Steer Clear of Zuckerberg’s Metaverse

    9 Movies That Warn You to Steer Clear of Zuckerberg’s Metaverse

    Mark Zuckerberg is all about the metaverse these days. By metaverse we mean a hypothetical future version of the internet that functions as a persistent, three-dimensional virtual world enabled by technology like VR and AR headsets. The metaverse, sort of, already exists in forms ranging from video gaming and virtual chat apps and the internet already functions…

  • Horror Icon Tony Todd on Candyman’s Legacy and the Future of the Genre

    Horror Icon Tony Todd on Candyman’s Legacy and the Future of the Genre

    Every horror fan instantly knows Tony Todd — most famous for playing the malevolent yet elegant title character in 1992’s Candyman, but also the star of the Final Destination series, Tom Savini’s remake of Night of the Living Dead, and dozens of other films. He’s also had numerous TV roles, including appearances on The X-Files,…