expert opinion

  • The Deadly Reality Of Living With Sleep Apnea

    “You need to get out,” she said. I could tell she was serious. I always had a bit of a snoring problem, but in the five years we had been married, my wife had come to a breaking point. It was just too much. Not only was I snoring loudly enough to keep her awake,…

  • How To Fix Traffic Congestion In Australia

    Fixing our cities’ transport woes remains one of the biggest challenges facing policy makers in Australia. Traffic congestion, transport emissions and booming urban populations are increasingly putting more pressures on governments’ budgets to deliver the infrastructure we need to meet our economic and mobility needs.

  • The Weaponised Nostalgia Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    Over the last few months I’ve been watching with increasing amazement at how perfectly the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, has been pitched. Nostalgia has been a key tool for Hollywood for a long time now. Whether it’s a rebooted Ghostbusters, Terminator, or Mad Max, the hysteria over Back to the Future Day,…