
  • The Eyes of Ahsoka, Ranked

    The Eyes of Ahsoka, Ranked

    Ahsoka is over (for now, at least it seems), and many questions remain. What are Thrawn’s plans? What will our heroes do to stop him? Just what great mysteries are out there for our other foes left to uncover? But an even sillier question lingers, too: what is up with the eyeballs on this show?…

  • Did Ahsoka Hurt Itself by Not Doing This?

    Did Ahsoka Hurt Itself by Not Doing This?

    The new Disney+ Star Wars show Ahsoka immediately drops you into the action. After a crawl setting up the story, we meet two evil Force users on a rescue mission before moving to the title character who is on the hunt for a map. There’s no time here for a detailed backstory. It’s full speed…