video gaming

  • I’m Gonna Play The Heck Out Of This Lo-Fi Spin On Pokémon

    I’m Gonna Play The Heck Out Of This Lo-Fi Spin On Pokémon

    The elevator pitch for Cassette Beasts, a forthcoming indie game, can’t fit on a single line. A lo-fi monster-hunting game clearly inspired by Pokémon? Or, oh, oh, how about a top-down role-playing game with gorgeous pixel art and killer music? Surely it’s something distinguished by being awash in ‘80s vibes? The answer to all of…

  • Exhausted Man, A Game For All Of Us Right Now

    Exhausted Man, A Game For All Of Us Right Now

    I’m tired. You, reading this right now, are probably tired. Tired is a constant state of being for most of us these days thanks to, you know, everything. Now, you can play a game that’s all about being tired. Exhausted Man, the latest project from the Beijing-based developers at Candleman Games, is probably the most…