8 iOS 18 Features Tim Cook Must Give Me or I Will Cry

8 iOS 18 Features Tim Cook Must Give Me or I Will Cry

WWDC is next week, which means Apple will be unveiling its operating system updates for iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS, while the iPad and Mac updates are interesting it’s the iOS 18 update that I’m particularly interested in.

I am an iPhone user, it is the one thing I cannot shut up about, to be honest. So as someone deep in the iPhone operating system every minute of every day, I have some wishes I want Apple to take on board for this year’s iOS 18 update.

We’ve already gotten a sneak peek at the upcoming accessibility features like eye tracking and music haptics, plus we will have a smarter Siri, RCS messaging, customisable home screen and topographical maps for Apple Maps.

But these are some of the other features I’d love to see ranging from the Weather app to Memojis.

So without further ado, here is what I want to see in iOS 18.

Super Smart Siri

We are getting a smarter Siri! What that means is still a bit vague, apparently Siri can take over your whole phone, which, huge if true. One of the main things I’d love is if you ask Siri to edit your notes on the notes app.

I use Apple’s Notes app religiously from my groceries list to writing reviews, and what I would like is to be able to tell Siri to add to my grocery list without me having to open the app and write it in myself. Oh the dream!

I would love for Siri to able to work with other non-Apple apps too, like Spotify, so you can ask it to play a specific playlist or a song on a playlist. Those super intricate suggestions would make my life so much easier.

Lock the Notes App

Speaking of the Notes app, I would like it to be able to be locked, the entire thing, not just one note, but the whole app. Everyone uses the apps for different reasons but I know for a fact everyone has at least one password on their notes app that shouldn’t be there, so please let me password protect the entire app!

Image: Apple

Group Messaging for Everyone

Yes, we will be getting RCS Messaging for iPhone which means you can say bye-bye to the ugly green text boxes, however, I hope this means we can have group chats with Android users too that look like iMessage group chats. It would make my family messaging so much easier.

Image: Apple

Edit iMessages whenever

Yes, you can now edit iMessages but only for 15 minutes after sending the message. Just give us the ability to edit whenever!

Accurate Weather

The amount of times I’ve looked at the weather app on my iPhone to see if it’s raining, it says ‘0 per cent chance of rain’ and then I immediately get rained on, is stupid. I’ve also had the app tell me its cloudy all day, I glance out my window and there is torrential rain. So for iOS 18 if the weather app could be accurate, first and foremost, that would be great. Team up with the Bureau of Meterology for goodness sake!

Death to Memojis

I am all for whimsy and silly things, but Memojis can take a long walk off a short pier.

No thanks. Image: Apple

Stop turning on features behind my back!

Apple has this cute little habit where when there is an app update and it brings in new features, it turns them on and we have to go through and switch it off. For example, app offloading was introduced a year or so ago, where it undownloads a neglectced app. This is great, except when you use Bitmojis in messaging (see I told you I liked whimsy) and you have to keep on redownloading it so you can send Bitmojis. It’s one of those weird annoying features that only bothers me in a specific instance.

A silly one

This probably won’t happen but Soren Iverson, known for his fake Apple features, said we should have to be able to laugh out loud at a message to allow us to send ‘lol’.

Wait, One More

I asked my colleagues if they have a wishlist and all they could say was “app that made a beer sound when you tipped the phone”. So I guess it’s on the list!

Image: Apple/Gizmodo Australia

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