Alice Clarke

Alice Clarke is an award winning freelance journalist, producer and presenter, as well as co-curator of the PAX Together Lounge at PAX Aus. In her spare time she plays the drums, builds Lego, explores Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and watches an unhealthy amount of television. You can follow her on Twitter @Alicedkc and subscribe to her Substack gaming newsletter, Press Any Button

  • SteelSeries Apex Pro: Spongey In A Nice Way

    SteelSeries Apex Pro: Spongey In A Nice Way

    Keyboards are incredibly personal devices. For people who spend a lot of time at their computers (almost everyone), they become like an extension of our hands. They are the fancy fountain pen set of the new millennium. They’re a huge factor in just how messed up our arthritis is going to be when we’re older.…