
  • DoorDash Workers Can Finally Get Paid Hourly, But Only During Deliveries

    DoorDash Workers Can Finally Get Paid Hourly, But Only During Deliveries

    With more laws on the books demanding additional pay for gig workers, DoorDash has finally come around to offering some hourly pay for its Dashers, though only when they’re hoofing it to their delivery spot. The food delivery app announced Wednesday that contract delivery drivers can now earn a base hourly pay and still receive…

  • ALDI Are Selling A $69 Action Camera. Nice.

    ALDI Are Selling A $69 Action Camera. Nice.

    With arguably the biggest player in the Action Camera market apparently struggling to keep itself afloat, we’re likely going to see a few more action cameras on the cheaper side around the traps, like this Bauhn Action Camera that’ll be going at ALDI for just $69.