mac gargan

  • Why Has Spider-Man Become Such a Movie Mess?

    Why Has Spider-Man Become Such a Movie Mess?

    All told, Spider-Man is one of the weirdest high-profile superheroes. Peter Parker will always be famous, and that means anything he ends up headlining will just eventually have an odd aura around it. Look no further than his own movies: after Sam Raimi’s trilogy, Sony didn’t maintain the proper hold it had on the franchise,…

  • Tom Holland Is Determined to Make Spider-Man 4 and Beyond

    Tom Holland Is Determined to Make Spider-Man 4 and Beyond

    As discussion and speculation about a fourth Tom Holland Spider-Man film continue, one constant that’s not in doubt is Tom Holland himself. “I’ll always want to do Spider-Man films,” the actor said in a new interview. “I owe my life and career to Spider-Man. So the simple answer is yes. I’ll always want to do…